Joe Biden shows what the Republicans have been saying for years: he is mentally unfit for office.

Joe Biden faced off against Donald Trump in the first debate of the 2024 Presidential Election. It was already expected to be a chaos filled event with lies and bumbling, but the real debate did not turn out that way. Instead, Trump was calm and very presidential in his behavior. He still spoke Trumpanese and exaggerated the facts when he didn’t lie. But the story was more about Joe Biden.

After years of watching him stumble and listening to him get confused, the debate may have woken up the left (and pressure those who have been denying it into admitting it) by putting his frailty on display for the whole world. Phrases like “elder abuse” hit social media as people wondered how anyone could let him go on like this. He stood there, mouth agape, eyes looking like he was lost, as he failed to put together a coherent sentence. And when he did, he told lies.

This isn’t new. We have seen the signs since before 2020. We warned the left. We pointed out his serious gaffs and confused expressions over and over again. And each time, his handlers had an excuse. He misspoke, he had a cold, Jackie was “top of mind”, etc. But in the real world, if you passed Joe Biden on the street, you’d think he was the subject of a Silver Alert. I’ve seen old men at the end of their cognitive abilities and Biden reminds me of them.

The Biden we saw on stage feeds into the Conspiracy theories that he is a puppet and someone else is running the country. Worse, he appears weak and incapable of doing the job. And now an Axios report has come out claiming he only works from 10 am to 4 pm and is unable to focus outside those hours. The President must be able to work 24 hours a day. He can’t.

I’m not a fan of Biden or his policies. He has plenty of faults. From his affair with Jill while she was still married, his support for segregated bussing, his plagerism and lying during the 80’s presidential race, his racist crime bill, his racist comments, his shady dealing with his son, just to name a few. But now the only feelings I have towards him are pity. The most powerful man in the world rambling, stumbling and bumbling his way through the job. He needs to go. Trump needs to win or else we’ll end up seeing Kamala Harris in the Oval Office. And even the Democrats don’t want that.